Alien Covenant Movie Review

From the fires of creation birth the spark of life, giving breath and song to wonders and mundanity alike. Desire. The longing to expand, to construct and funny movies simply to exist. Endemic to these primordial ambitions is the query upon the origin of the inquisitor themselves.Then a critic like me shows up and says "WHAT ARE YOU ON? JUST SHOW

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Pumpkinhead 4: Blood Feud Movie Review

There are quite a few similarities between Pumpkinhead 3 and 4. For starters, the Pumpkinhead suit is the same one between the two movies, and they were both made for TV movies for SyFy. Other than that though, the stories manage to be pretty different from one another... except for recurring characters and constantly dragging Lance back on the s

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Scream 2 Movie Review

Scream 2, filmed under the title "Scream: The Sequel" is, wouldn't you know it? The sequel to Scream! As such, it's more of the same, people around Sidney Prescott begin dropping like flies due to the extracurricular activities of a ghostfaced masked killer... but this is also directed by Wes Craven, so that honestly goofy setup somehow is played

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On Deadly Ground Movie Review

Week 6 of The Summer of Steven Seagal brings us to the one and only film the man directed himself, On Deadly Ground. Set in Alaska, Seagal plays Forrest Taft, a whatever thingy with Seagal powers that must go against the EVIL sci-fi movie reviews EVIL EEEEEVIL Oil company, that is drilling for EVIL money to science fiction movie reviews fund thei

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Ape vs Monster Movie Review

Back by... strangely popular demand, it's an Asylum review! You wouldn't think that Godzilla and King Kong could return to the big screen without the gigantic kings of mockbusters capitalizing on that, would ya? In that spirit, this week's review is Ape vs Monster, a movie about an ape that becomes funny horror movies giant, and must do battle wi

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